Monday, June 05, 2006

Finally! After nearly two weeks of wallowing in a seemingly unshakeable funk, I went into a knitting frenzy yesterday and completed about 95% of the Kittyville hat from Stitch & Bitch. I just have to finish knitting both the ears and then I'll be done! I didn't want to knit this hat because it's not the sort of thing I could see myself wearing out of the house. For one thing, my 'fro's getting bigger every day and there's no way I'll be able to fit all of my hair under the hat unless I braid it, which I'm simply too lazy to do. Plus, Kittyville is a really cutesy hat, the sort of thing a 5-year-old might wear. Nothing against the style choices of 5-year-olds (hey, I've seen some with better taste in clothing than most women my age) but I have no desire to look like one. I already look like I'm 16....or so the guy at the bodega down the street tells me. Anyway, after seeing how cute Zeb looks with it on I just might dig up the courage to wear it in public.

I'll be posting pictures as soon as I finish it. You might even get to see the aforementioned Zeb photos...if he doesn't kill me first.


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